Learn to Learn

Its Reality live this represent the network process to learn and forge the x'self in order to become better ever. Really, so much matter earn the gist;sari from second transportation;journey for the shake of our life second. Things which we feel, we see, we hear, we release [through/ passing] oral, altogether can become the loaded something that mean and can enrich the our khazanah experience is henceforth made capital for selfimprovement process, if us will perhaps

Little Things mean a lot, yes, a lot of small matter truthfully own the meaning which big so, if us will a few/little more paying attention to, a few/little seeing more into, and just a few/little think. When us only look into something by habit, altogether will see the so-sos, special nothing that, will it is true the above is true ought to

When event which we meet or we experience only pass off hand, hence he will only become the vacuous past of value which cannot give the influence disturb. Though if us will just a few/little dig deeper, might not a few/little secondhands worth which is left behind over there. As also to pearl, before there is releasing it from cangkang of the cockle, nothing that can feel the radiation is that beauty.

Become the real learner matter which difficult enough [done/conducted] me feel. For me, a real pembelajar will always try to look for the study gap from each;every natural occurence it and also natural occurence by others. Really I want to be the people like that: what ever can mean to live by the positive viewpoint, capable to see the values which not yet been laid bare, and also able to peep out the worthing is nevertheless occult is existence of. Who know in on file dark cangkang cockle of pearl which so respect otherwise there is trying to dive to ocean base and get it. Yes, that pearl will be immanent, quit of whether/what there is trying to open the cangkang place cockle or not.

Learn, learn, and learn, indicating that human being really creature owning a lot of weakness in x'self. And process this not yet will desist until doom [of] before, and lethal come fetching the. Moment [of] that's new me can show and tell " Here I am, I am as intact as, me truthfully".

writeen : ma2n
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