"Nge-Blog", why ?

phenomenon "Nge-Blog" borned and this last some years tradition is true fresh wind for many people. And surely if we hook;correlate by journalisme, whew its kayak all media journalist print to start to have the rival nih. just Conceiving each;every second / minute of thousands of people become a journalis in their blog. From blog which they have, they can express the their liver content and any and also deflect accessed by others in all the world which having the pleasure to to read our article. Activity write to write in world blog it is true preoccupy so that sometime make the us forget the activity will be other. This is phenomenon perblogkan resulting we become a " journalist" under cover.

Other; Dissimilar side a weblog, web blog or more is we recognize by blog is just just, it is true represent the part of application web loading periodically is article ( posting) at a [common/ public] webpage. The Posting-posting is oftentimes loaded in sequence posting inversedly, though do not forever that way. Situs Web of a kind of this usually can be accessed by all consumer internet as according to topic and intention of the the consumer blog.

While key pillar differentiating with the other communications channel making blog have the power of separate one side is :
1. Publishable, consumer earn direct of posting news easy to is cheap and earn in reading anywhere
2. Findable, is easy to found to by pass the situs searcher, pursuant to subyek, writer name or both. More and moreing corpulent a[n blog more and more liked the
3. Social, that is blogsphere which its characteristic is cuap-cuap
interesting conversation pursuant to topic change over from an situs web, nge link, from a[n link to link [of] other;dissimilar. [Through/ passing] blog those who own the same enthusiasm can develop;build the network or news pass by quickly the geografi
4. Viral, information disseminate quicker [through/ passing] blog disbanding from news service. In this time nothing;there is no viral marketing which can compete with the speed and efficiency of an blog
5. Syndicatable, rich content easy to just disindikasikan by whom. Conceiving world of full of man of parts, and pass the media blog, thousands of information can in earning
6. Linkable, each;every blog nge-link to other, owning to access to tens of million one who visit the blogsphere every day distinguishing communications internet 2 direction. that media Blog is basin of tabloid supermarket.
Considering strength from what the then blog in fact benefit a blog for us. In this case later;then emerge the question warehouse. Let us try the its answer searching.

Positive value from a blog for example
1. We can write down any, like narrating our activity is everyday, innovations, writing down our uneg-uneg about governmental policy or any, to discharge the stress, opening argument and criticisms social
2. Can become the mirror evaluate the our dirikarena article is commented by various people by various viewpoint so that we also learn to comprehend the character of people and viewpoint of people of problem attitude.
3. Testing article quality. Posting Article in blog. If many people take a fancy to it mean you have a gift for to become the writer. Otherwise there is which like to mean the us have to learn more impetous again to make the interesting article. Its nucleus;core, activity blogging can become the exact medium to evaluate the our ability and quality
4. for Socialisasi and compile the opinion strength of and surely technology of sindikasi news, link and searcher machine
5. Who knows the curhat, opinion and protest which during the time we write can become the book, at one blow become the peripheral earnings which can step into our sack;bag
6. Can to yield the money ( finance), this matter is we can get from adsense which we install in our blog.. If a lot of reader which mengeklik adsense which we have attached hence quite a few money we to get

What is not fair to middling for the production of our peripheral

written : ma2n
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